We are delighted to extend a very warm welcome to Fr Peter-Claver Eze who comes to us from Nigeria.
Fr Peter-Claver was born on the 27th June 1988 and was baptised by an Irish priest. Ordained on the 4th August 2018 Fr Peter-Claver belongs to The Congregation of Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy, an indigenous Nigerian congregation, founded by Bishop Anthony Gogo Nwedo, C.S.Sp on the 25th October, 1970.
Following ordinations Fr Peter-Claver was assigned to work in the Northern part of Nigeria, serving as ‘assistant priest’ from 2018 to 2020 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Kano and as Parish Priest in the same parish from 2020 to 2023. Fr Peter-Claver also served as Diocesan Chaplain to the ‘Legion of Mary, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Blue Army groups.
Fr Peter-Claver is now looking forward to serving in the Cathedral Unit and in Monaleen Parish part-time, with special responsibility for Youth Ministry. Fr Peter-Claver will be in Monaleen each Monday, Tuesday and Saturday and is looking forward to especially meeting young people.
Please give Fr Peter-Claver a warm Irish welcome – céad míle fáilte – and we wish him every blessing in his new mission.