In the sacrament of confirmation the apostles and the bishops who are their successors hand on to the baptised the special gift of the Holy Spirit, promised by Christ the Lord and poured out on the apostles at Pentecost. Thus the initiation in the Christian life is completed so that believers are strengthened by power from heaven, made true witnesses of Christ in word and deed, and bound more closely to the Church. (Decree on Confirmation, Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, 1971)
To help girls and boys prepare for Confirmation Fr Chris O’Donnell has worked with iCatholic, on behalf of the Catechetics Council of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, to produce 3 video lessons for Confirmation children and their families.
The lessons are delivered by Johanna O’Brien and Eleanor O’Brien from Limerick along with Fr Chris. Both Johanna and Eleanor trained as teachers at Mary Immaculate College and have been involved in the Limerick Diocese’s Youth Ministry programmes. Further information and access to the videos by clicking here