Monaleen Parish Pastoral Council
*Pastoral Parish Council: When reflecting on the role of the Pastoral Parish Council (PPC) it helps first to be clear about what a PPC is not: it does not concern itself with matters of finance or the day to day running of the parish. Although from time to time it may need to connect to the finance council to clarify budgets for pastoral projects. It is not a group that manages the parish it is a group that networks with the parish to help every parishioner take their part. Its function is not about helping Father, but about helping the parish grow into a community where everyone finds a place and grows in some kind of service. Its primary concern is mission, that is helping everyone to relaise their potential to serve.
The Bishops of Ireland affirmed this positive enabling vision of the PPCin their document Living Communion. Hence the PPC is described as; ‘a faith-filled leadership group through which priests and people work togethera as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own parish‘
The Monaleen Parish Pastoral Working Group members are: Anton O’Carroll, Geraldine White, Frank O’Brien and Fr Seamus
*Extract taken from ‘Becoming a Pastoral Parish Council’ by Patricia Carroll, published by Messenger Publications in 2022