Finding Hope and Healing After Suicide
Coffee, cakes and compassionate conversations around suicide grief
HUGG is the national suicide bereavement charity and we are hosting a free information event on suicide grief, supported by the HSE and Connecting for Life Mid-West
Event details
Admission is free, and registration is not required.
Venue: Absolute Hotel, Limerick
Date: Saturday, 17th February 2024
Time: 1-4pm
What to expect
- Doors open at 1pm with refreshments, and people are welcome to talk with the HUGG team and volunteers and visit information stands.
- Bryan Nolan, grief and loss specialist, will speak at 1.30pm and will discuss the impact of suicide loss and grief and highlight ways to grieve and cope with your loss.
- The voice of lived experience will also be represented, and we will hear a personal story of suicide loss and what has helped them along their grief journey.
- Marie McKeon, HUGG Groups Manager, will share information on HUGG support groups.
- Local support services will be available, and a brief introduction to their service will be shared.
- Followed by more coffee, cakes and compassionate conversations.
- The HUGG team and volunteers will be on hand to provide information on what suicide bereavement supports are available, and local support services will be present on the day.
Who should attend
- Anyone bereaved by suicide, whether you have experienced a bereavement this year or at an earlier time in your life. There is no timeline for grief.
- If you are supporting someone bereaved by suicide, you might find the information useful to share with your loved ones who are grieving.
- Professionals who work with the public and support people bereaved by suicide are welcome, including Family Resource Centre staff, library staff, social prescribers, GPs primary health care staff, funeral directors, chaplains, Gardai, citizen information staff, teachers and educators, and many more.
Who will be there
- People with lived experience of suicide loss
- Members of the HUGG Team
- HUGG Volunteers
- Guest speakers
We look forward to welcoming you to this event.
If you have any questions please email [email protected]