11th November in St Munchin’s College
Diocesan Liturgy Day, 11thNovember in St Munchin’s College:
The day will begin at 11am and finish with Mass at 5:30pm. A light lunch will be provided.
Keynote Address: Synodality as a Fundamental Aspect of Christian Liturgy by Prof Thomas O’Loughlin
Thomas O’Loughlin is Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology at the University of Nottingham and Director of Studia Traditionis Theologiae and Brepols Library of Christian Sources.
Four Parallel Workshops (each workshop will run twice so everyone can attend two workshops; parishes may wish to send a number of parishioners so all workshops can be availed of).
(i) ‘A Time to be Creative; Liturgy and the Recovery of a Sacred Playfulness’ Workshop led by Mossy Hynan, Lay Pastoral Minister.
ii) ‘Revitalising liturgical music in our parishes’ Workshop led by Ríona Ní Churtáin, musician, teacher, and performer.
(iii) ‘Children’s Liturgy through Godly Play’ led by Sharon Collopy, Lay Pastoral Minister & trained Godly Play Storyteller
(iv) ‘Praying with Young People’ Workshop led by Gráinne Delaney, Catechist, Crescent College Deputy Principal & former Chaplain, author of ’Occasional Prayers for the School Year’.
Cost for the day: €25 including lunch and materials. Registration is essential, please register your place and choose your workshops at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DiocesanLiturgyDay