Canon Gerard Garrett
Welcome to Monaleen Parish which was established in 1971 under the patronage of St. Mary Magdalene. Having been ordained in 1982 and following a number of other assignments, it was my privilege to be appointed Parish Priest here in December 2017.
Welcome to our new look website. Before uttering another word, I wish to express my gratitude and that of our entire parish to Ann Heffernan who beginning over twenty years ago, set up, hosted, updated and generally managed and ran the previous website. Ann was available at all times, even when on holiday in foreign parts, to post updates. She also received and dealt with email requests which sought to promote local community services and initiatives. She did all this over many years while attending to the demands of a busy home and family life. Thank you Ann for your generous service to our parish.
The purpose of our website, to the Glory of God, is the promotion of the Catholic Faith for the spiritual welfare of our parishioners and our visitors. We hope to advance this purpose by providing information about the initiatives and services in our parish and by providing links to the National and Universal Church.
The website is a work in progress. We hope it will grow into a useful and fruitful evangelical and catechetical resource. We hope it will help and encourage our parishioners to develop their faith and prayer lives and baptismal vocation and apostolates.
During the separation between us caused by the Covid 19 Pandemic, we installed a webcam in the church. While there is no substitute for being together to worship Almighty God and receive the sacraments, nonetheless the webcam provided a useful means of keeping in touch. It proved especially helpful and a source of consolation for those unable to attend the funerals of loved ones. Our Sunday Masses and weekday Masses and, depending on the wishes of the families, Funerals and Weddings can be viewed on www.churchservices.tv/monaleen.
As we progress with the development of this website, we welcome your input and suggestions and of course would appreciate it if you would alert us to any inaccuracies.
With kindest regards and wishing you every blessing,
Canon Gerard Garrett