Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday /Sunday – 6th/7th November 2021
We are celebrating the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
What made Israel unique in the eyes of the prophets was the covenant between her and God. It was the covenant which bound the Israelites and God together. This covenant had vertical as well as horizontal dimensions. By the former they were to worship the Lord alone, and by the latter they were to have particular concern for the marginalised in their society. These were identified above all as strangers, widows and orphans.
We commemorate all the Faithful Departed, especially during November.
To remember our beloved dead in the presence of God is wholesome and it is natural to remember them in love and thanksgiving. We thank God for the gifts bestowed on us through them – signs of his grace and presence. We entrust our beloved to the love and mercy of God because, even though we do not grieve as those who have no hope, remembering the dead is holy and devout. All they have meant for us is not lost forever, for God, the God of the living, is their life now and always.
NOTE:- Purgatorial Society Sheets and envelopes are available at the back of the church. Masses will be offered throughout November for the Holy Souls
Trócaire Emergency Appeal
A second collection will be taken up this weekend for the Trocaire Emergency Appeal to aid the people of Somalia, South Sudan, Ethopia and the State of South Kordofan who are struggling to survive a devastating hunger crisis.
Alternatively you can donate directly to Trócaire at
Saturday Morning Prayer – 11am Saturday 13th November 2021
A group of young people will gather here in St. Mary Magdalene church on next Saturday 13th November at 11am to pray for those affected by suicide and self-harm. A cuppa and chat will follow in the parish centre at 1A Trinity Court. All are welcome.
Pilgrimage to Knock – Sunday 14th November 2021 – In Memory of all who have died during the pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a particularly difficult time for those who have lost loved ones and have often had to cope with their grief without many of the usual spiritual and community supports.
To support pastorally everyone who has suffered the pain of bereavement during the pandemic, and in the context of the month of November as the traditional time when we remember our dead, on next Sunday, 14th November at 3.00pm, the Bishops of Ireland will undertake a pilgrimage to the International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine in Knock.
The bishops will concelebrate Mass for all those who have died in our country during the pandemic, and for their families. At the Mass the bishops will also offer prayers of thanksgiving for all those who so selflessly sacrificed so much during the pandemic.
This Mass will be live-streamed on and broadcast on the RTÉ News Now channel. The bishops invite everyone to join with them in prayer on this solemn occasion.
We remember those for whom this Weekend Masses are offered:
Saturday 6th 7:00pm – Barney Gleeson RIP (A)
Sunday 7th 10:00am – Zigmas Simkus & Genute Simkiene RIP (A)
11:30am – John McLoughlin RIP (A)
Sonny Larkin RIP (A)
The Mass intentions for the coming week:
Tuesday 9th – Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9:45am: Annie Frawley RIP (A)
Wednesday 10th – St Leo the Great 9:45am: Special Intention
Thursday 11th – St Martin of Toures 9:45am: Pat & John Hume RIP
Friday 12th – St Josaphat 9:45am: Brendan & Eileen Pearse RIP
Saturday 13th – 33rd Sunday 7:00pm: Christy Murphy RIP (A)
Sunday 14th – 33rd Sunday 10.00am: Richard (Dick) Mitchell RIP (A)
Johanna O’Brien & Julia O’Connor RIP (A)
11:30am: Jack O’Sullivan RIP Month’s Mind
Tommy & Mary Sheahan RIP
Tomás, Betty & Barry Sheahan RIP
Pat & Tommy Sheahan RIP
Note: All Masses are available online via church services
- The Irish Catholic
Please support The Irish Catholic newspaper which is available at the back of the church at a cost of €2.50
- Eucharistic Adoration
In this parish we have the privilege of Eucharistic Adoration every day – on Tuesday from 10am until 10pm and on the other six days from 6pm until 10pm. This is a wonderful devotion from which flows transforming graces for those who take part and for our whole parish. All are welcome and indeed we earnestly encourage your participation. In order to ensure its continuation, please consider committing yourself to a particular hour on one or more days a week.
My Lord Jesus Christ, for the love which You bear to men, you remain night and day in this Sacrament full of compassion and of love, awaiting, calling, and welcoming all who come to visit You. I believe that You are present in the Sacrament of the Altar: I adore You from the abyss of my nothingness, and I thank You for all the graces which You have bestowed upon me and in particular for having given me Yourself in this Sacrament, for having given me your holy Mother Mary for my advocate, and for having called me to visit You in this chapel. I now salute Your most loving Heart: and this for three ends:
- In thanksgiving for this great gift; 2. To make amends to You for all the outrages which You receive in this Sacrament from all Your enemies; 3. I intend by this visit to adore You in all the places on earth in which You are the least revered and the most abandoned.
– by St Alphonsus Ligouri