I wish to extend a word of thanks to all those who worked so hard through the year to enhance the life of our parish:
The readers and commentators; the Eucharistic Ministers; the church cleaners and sanitisers and decorators; the stewards and: the musicians; the sacristans; the parish secretary; the school principals and teachers and SNAs and the other school staff members; the parish finance committee and the parish pastoral council, the individuals and organizations who volunteered to care for the vulnerable during these Covid 19 days, and myriad others who helped in all manner of ways, unobtrusively and so generously. Thanks also to those whose ministries have been suspended in these days – they also serve who only stand and wait.
I wish to extend a word of congratulations to those who got married – may the Lord strengthen your unions and deepen your love. To all who were baptised – may the lives of your parents and Godparents be examples of faith to inspire you and may you grow up fully aware of the Lord’s love for you. Congratulations too to the boys and girls who received their first Holy Communion and to those who were Confirmed. Thanks to the Priests and People and sacristans of St. John’s Parish who accommodated us and afforded us the use of their beautiful Cathedral for our ceremonies.
I wish to extend a word of sympathy to all who lost a loved one during the year – the people with whom you shared other Christmases and whom you miss greatly. May the Lord grant them eternal rest and may he ease your sadness and fill you with hope.
Thanks to all our parishioners who contributed generously to our weekly collections and due collections and the collections for various charitable purposes. In spite of Covid and the lock downs, the parish finances have not suffered greatly. For that I thank you.
I wish all our parishioners – and our virtual parishioners who have been joining us on-line throughout the year – and everyone dear to your hearts – especially those who are far away and cannot be with us in person – every joy at the coming of Jesus and profound peace in your hearts at this time of grace. I wish you all a very happy and a holy Christmas.